Webinar: The Young Community Physicians' Forum of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka organized a webinar titled "Developing Leadership in Global Public Health: From Trainee to Changemaker" on 18th December, 2024. The guest lecture was delivered by Dr. Archisman Mohapatra and the program was moderated by Prof. Nuwan Wickramasinghe, Professor in Community Medicine at Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
Bi-Regional Meeting: Dr Archisman Mohapatra was invited as a Temporary Advisor to attend a WHO South East Asia and Western Pacific Bi-Regional Meeting on Influenza Surveillance and National Influenza Centers at Manila, Philippines.
It was a very enriching experience to get programmatic insights from WHO and 48 Member States.
Conference: GRID@HSR2024, Nagasaki, Japan
We presented our study on ‘Application of human-centered design approaches in public health: A scoping review followed by expert validation’, at The 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research #HSR2024 Conference by Health Systems Global in Nagasaki. Our study explored how human-centered design (#HCD) approaches are being applied in diverse public health contexts, bridging innovation with practical implementation. Engaging with global experts at the conference enriched our understanding and helped us appreciate how #HCD is tailored to address unique challenges across settings. A big thank you to everyone who shared their experiences and insights.
Assessment: In collaboration with Meghalaya STATE NODAL AGENCY, MHIS_AB-PMJAY we did a detailed analysis of Megha Health Insurance Scheme (MHIS). The study uses mixed methods approaches for Programme Evaluation and Analysis for Policy. We thank Shri. Ramkumar S (IAS)-Secretary, Health and Family Welfare, CEO MHIS, Dr. F.V. Kharshiing-Director of Health Services (MI), Dr. J. Momin, Jt. CEO, MHIS and Director of Health Services (Maternal Child Health & Family Welfare), Mr Natus D Ladia-Monitoring and Control Officer, MHIS, the entire MHIS team, the senior medical officers, nursing staff, and all other key stakeholders for their initiative and support towards improving healthcare access and quality of care in Meghalaya!
Conference: We had the opportunity to be part of the 27th Annual Conference of North Zone chapter of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) held on September 14th-15th, 2024.
Special congratulations to Dr. Divita Sharma for winning 1st prize in the Oral Presentation and Mr. HAMZA SALAH for securing 2nd prize in the Poster Presentation.
A big thanks to the Esic Medical College And Hospital Faridabad, Dr Pooja Goyal and her team for organizing and inviting us in this enriching and memorable event.
Workshop: We conducted a workshop on "Systematic Review and Meta Analysis (SRMA)" at Meerut. Our esteemed and experienced resource faculty—Dr. Ranadip Chowdhury, Dr. Tarun Shankar Choudhary, Dr. Divita Sharma and Dr. Archisman Mohapatra—provided insightful explanations on the fundamental steps for conducting SRMA. The session covered critical aspects like formulating research questions, conducting comprehensive literature searches, data extraction and management, assessing quality of the data, overview of meta-analysis and interpreting and presenting results. Prof. Seema Jain and Dr Neha Singh were at the helm and organized the workshop with immaculate planning and execution. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to LLRM Medical College, Meerut and IAPSM-UPUK for the opportunity to share our knowledge and expertise.
Assessment: We conducted a rapid formative assessment of solid waste management in Haridwar on behalf of Centre for Environment Education(CEE) and Crown Agents UK. This exercise was a part of project Swachh supported under CSR grant from Roche pharmaceuticals.
A dissemination event held in Haridwar (July 2024) was organized by Centre for Environment Education, Crown Agents and Nagar Nigam having representation from multiple stakeholders.
We extend our gratitude to Crown Agents and Centre for Environment Education, Mr David Kloos, Ms Reema Banerjee and Ms Cheena Malhotra, for inviting us as one of the panelist and trusting us as their research partner for this project.
Expert Talk: Thank you KIIT Academic Empowerment Program (K-AEP) -2024 DR BASANTA KUMAR BEHERA, Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and Dr Ratikanta Tripathy, Professor, Department of Pharmacology for having Dr Archisman Mohapatra, GRID Council for an expert talk on Research Grants. The session provided ample opportunity to reflect on personal experiences with securing and managing funded research and collaborative initiatives, and to engage with an interactive faculty and leadership at KIMS - Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences.
Workshop: A gratifying interaction with youngsters for us at GRID Council! Thank you IAPSMCON 2024 KMC Mangalore. The workshop focused on strategic planning for future careers in public health and was facilated by esteemed professionals in the field of public health: Dr. Archisman Mohapatra (GRID Council, NOIDA), Dr. Parag Chavda (GMERSMC, Vadodara), and Dr. Siddharudha Shivalli (LSHTM, London).
Workshop: Between December 2023 and January 2024, we provided orientation training to 334 Community Health Officers' (CHOs) form Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh on the Arogya Mandir Ranking System. This was done over 08 physical and 03 virtual sessions. The sessions were facilitated by Dr Manish Singh Chundawat, Senior Consultant (GRID Council) along with the District Health Authority of Hardoi. A heartfelt thanks to all the CHOs who participated in the trainings and showcased a collective commitment to elevating healthcare standards in our communities. We extend our special thanks to Dr. Rohtas Kumar CMO Hardoi, Dr. Pankaj Mishra ACMO NCD Nodal Hardoi and District Program Manager for their leadership!
Workshop: We conducted a workshop on 'Qualitative Research Essentials: From Techniques to Application' workshop at AIIMS Kalyani on18th and 19th January, 2024. The two-day workshop was designed with a focus on hands-on learning and meaningful engagement. The workshop was facilitated by Dr Ritika Mukherjee, Dr. Priyanka Pawar, Dr. Gitismita Naik and Dr Archisman Mohapatra. We are grateful for the vibrant participation, insightful discussions, curiosity, and shared experiences that led to the collaborative learning. The diversity of perspectives brought richness to the exploration made. We extend our special thanks to Dr. Gitismita Naik, Asst Prof, Department of Community and Family Medicine and to AIIMS Kalyani for the opportunity!
Workshop: In September 2023, Ganpat University organized an online workshop on "Analyzing Qualitative Data Using NVivo". It was a 3-day event having a total of 82 participants from across 13 states of India. We thank all the participants for their active engagement!
Meeting: Department of Community Medicine (PSM), RIMS, Ranchi in collaboration with Jharkhand State NHM, UNICEF, WHO and UNDP is undertaking a state-wide Root Cause Analysis for Measles and Rubella Outbreak. We thank Prof Vidya Sagar (HOD; PI) and Dr Dewesh Kumar (Faculty; Co-Lead), RIMS for having us, GRID Council, as research partners for this exercise. We also thank Dr Vanesh Mathur, Health Officer, UNICEF, Jharkhand for the memorable experience. It was indeed a pleasure to meet faculty from medical colleges across Jharkhand.
In collaboration with LLRM Medical College, Meerut and IAPSM-UPUK, we conducted a workshop on "Skills for Writing a Scientific Paper" at Meerut on 19th and 20th May 2023. 70 participants and 9 faculty-facilitators from 7 medical colleges and 8 specialities participated in the interactive workshop.
We thank Prof. DR HARIVANSH CHOPRA, DR Seema Jain, Dr. Manoj Das, and DR Varun Vijay Gaiki for their support and facilitation.
Meeting: The Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University (IMS-BHU) and GRID Council collaborated for a project named REACH-Hypertension (HTN) & NCDs with funding from Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI). The project aimed to explore evidence on NCDs with focus on #hypertension . In this project we have developed research and knowledge products and conducted evidence informed discourses on raising awareness about #NCDs with primary focus on #HTN.
A multi-stakeholder deliberation was held on 25th April, 2023, Tuesday at Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh for this project.
Conference: We got an opportunity to present our work at the IPHACON 2023, Kolkata and are excited to share that the team won the overall 1st and 3rd prize for oral presentation and 2nd prize for poster presentation. Additionally, we have bagged the top positions for the themes Miscellaneous (Design Thinking) and Climate Change, Environment & Occupational Health in oral presentation and Communicable diseases for poster presentation.
This truly inspires us to continue our research and contribute to the field of public health.
Workshop: On 6th of April, #IPHACON 2023 organized a pre-conference workshop on Reference Management and Avoiding Plagiarism. Dr Varun Vijay Gaiki led the workshop along with faculty from GRID Council (Dr Divita Sharma, Priyanka Pawar, Ritika Mukherjee, Archisman Mohapatra).
The day-long workshop was interactive wherein the participants did hands-on training on #Zotero, #Mendeley and some of the commonly used software for #plagiarism check.
Meeting: We are thrilled to have been a part of Global Learning Collaborative (GLC4HSR)#GLC4HSRConclave which was held on 10th & 11th March 2023. The Conclave brought forward cross-country learnings on health systems to identify policy actions towards health system resilience.
The event had experts and professionals from around the world, who shared their rich experiences, insights and deliberated on the way forward.
Workshop: Thank you, Prof S M SALIM KHAN, Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Srinagar for inviting us to conduct a workshop on Qualitative Research Methods! Dr Rajmohan Panda, Senior Advisor and Dr Archisman Mohapatra, ED conducted the workshop as visiting faculty from GRID. Encouraging opening and closing remarks by Prof Masood Tanvir, Principal, GMC further amplified the learning experience.
MoU: We are thrilled to announce that the GRID Council and the Indian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ISLM) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on promoting a healthier lifestyle and advancing the field of Lifestyle Medicine in India.
This MoU marks the beginning of a strategic partnership between two organizations committed to improving public health through evidence-based lifestyle interventions.
MoU: GRID and APT have signed a MoU for collaboration. This would open up avenues for training and research in Digital Health... And that's a niche expertise to develop for young public health enthusiasts! The partnership would also help develop indigenous know-how to bridge the digital divide for improved health access by communities.
Workshop: Thank you, Indian Academy Of Pediatrics, IAP Odisha State Branch, IAP Research in Child Health Group, The INCLEN Trust International for organizing a very engaging two-day workshop on Research Methodology and Scientific Paper Writing at IMA House, Bhubaneswar on the 11th and 12th of June 2022. The workshop had an ensemble of internal and invited faculty and gave an opportunity to interact with enthusiastic researchers from medical colleges in Odisha and beyond. We participated as invited faculty for the workshop, and cherish the experience and warm hospitality. #research #capacitybuilding #capacitydevelopment
Workshop: Congratulations WNF-GRID INTRISK Cohort #1 alumni for successful completion of the course! The INTRISK course has been developed by Project Indrani led by Dr Rivu Basu, Dr Shaili Vyas, Dr Neha Sharma, Dr Archisman Mohapatra. The project has received funding support from the World NCD Federation (WNF) and is being coordinated and hosted by GRID Council. The INTRISK course (https://bit.ly/3rGl2Yi), launched in March 2022, was offered using a blended format on Moodle and Zoom interfaces, and included self-directed as well as mentor-facilitated learning. opportunities. #communitymedicine #hypertension #ncd #research #publichealth
Workshop: Thank you, IAPSM Odisha State Chapter, for inviting us to do this memorable workshop on Qualitative Research Methods at VIMSAR Burla in collaboration with RMRC Bhubaneswar. We thank the respected faculty, organizers and students for the affectionate hospitality and support. GRID, this year, plans to launch a series of physical workshops across India. The next workshop is being planned at Lucknow. We will post the workshop topic and other details soon. #gridworkshops #research #communitymedicine #publichealth
Workshop: On 24th and 25th of February 2023, College of Nursing, AIIMS Jodhpur organized a workshop to train students on SPSS and on sample size calculation for research studies. The 2-day event was an academic feast with faculty from across India sharing their know-how with the interactive audience. Kudos to the Nursing Faculty Team at AIIMS Jodhpur for organizing such an intense event with ease.
Meeting: Thank you Sougat Chatterjee 🇮🇳 for having me as a panelist at the World Tech Conclave 2022 session on 'Technology, the force for India's Healthcare Infrastructure Re-incarnation'. The panel was quite engaging with rich insights from Dr Brij Mohan Makkar and co-panelists Nandakumar Jairam, Harbinder Narula, Saravanan Vivekanandan, Atantra Dasgupta, ME, PGDM, PGP, MCSD, Salil K. Sahu, Rito Maitra. Many thanks to PHD Chamber of Commerce and industry for organizing a wonderful conclave!
Workshop: On 10th and 11th of December, Prof Dr Rakesh Kakkar and Team (Dr. Ramnika Aggarwal, Dr. Ankita kankaria, Dr Soumya Sahoo, Dr Madhur Verma) at the Department of Community and Family Medicine, AIIMS Bathinda organized a very lively event - The North Zone IAPSMCON 2022. We had a pre-conference workshop on Leadership Skills in Community Medicine. The Workshop was co-designed and conducted by senior faculty Dr Suneela Garg, Dr Sanjiv Kumar and Dr Sonu Goel (MD, PhD). The workshop was conducted in a hybrid mode and had an attendance of 84 participants from medical colleges across India.
Workshop: It was not only exceptionally enriching but also great fun to be a team with senior faculty Dr Rajmohan Panda (PHFI) and Dr Sitanshu Sekhar Kar (JIPMER) and interact with a vibrant audience for this workshop on evaluation frameworks for complex public health interventions at IAPSM YLC 2022. Many thanks to the Department of Community Medicine and Family Medicine, AIIMS Bhubaneswar for organizing this pre-conference workshop.
Conference: Thank you IAPSM Odisha State Branch for having us at the 1st PG Conclave on Public Health and giving us the opportunity to share the GRID Entrepreneurship Experience on 12th November 2022. It's a wonderful feeling to meet our teachers, seniors and friends.
Conference: We were a partner for the IAPSM Young Leaders' Conclave 2022 and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The Conclave had great workshops and plenaries. All credits to the organizers AIIMS Bhubaneswar and the IAPSM Leadership! Looking forward to IAPSM YLC 2023.
Dissemination Event: Sightsavers India has a very inspiring project - RAAHI National Truckers' Eye Health Programme. Five years and what a journey! We feel lucky to help the SS team capture the journey as the 'Eyes on the Highway' report released today at India International Centre. It was so exciting to see that the programme has impeccable signs of 'human-centred design'. The report captures it. Thanks, SS India, for having us on board for the report.
#designthinking #truckdriver #eyehealth #publichealth #communitymedicine
The report can be downloaded from https://www.sightsaversindia.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/EYES-ON-THE-HIGHWAY-Five-Years-Journey-Report.pdf
Dissemination Event: The Health and Wellbeing of Truck Drivers in India' study report was released on 4th July 2022 at India Habitat Centre New Delhi. The study was conducted using mixed methods research by GRID Council across five sites in India. Kspire Solutions and People to People Health Foundation (PPHF) under the aegis of AASTHA Asia-Africa Supply Chain Transform Health Alliance were partners in the study. The study unraveled the health, financial and social challenges faced by the Indian truck drivers alongside potential solutions from various stakeholder constituencies. The report also highlights the need to dignify the work of Indian truck drivers.
The report can be downloaded from https://thegridcouncil.org/reports
Meeting: Resolve To Save Lives organized a day-long technical consultation on Hypertension Treatment on the occasion of World Hypertension Day. GRID Council, as a public health research organization and partner in the REACH-HTN Project with IMS- BHU, participated in the deliberations with an engaging panel of experts. GRID as a pan-India network of public health researchers is committed to generating context-relevant evidence on priority public health issues and in building capacity of young researchers. #publichealth #communitymedicine #research # #network #beatthepressure #reachhtn
Field Work: Urban slums are a complex ecosystem when it comes to Maternal and Child Health related practices. We did a survey and some qualitative explorations of recently delivered mothers and under-five children in a metropolitan slum in India and could have some unique learnings in the process. We thank all our friends and patrons for the proactive support over the past 2 years. #communitymedicine #publichealth #maternalhealth #childhealth #urbanhealth #india
Field Work: And we are into fieldwork now! Rural/ Peri-urban communities... and more to come!
#team #communitymedicine
Sincere thanks to Dr Mihir Rupani, Scientist E, National Institute of Occupational Health, for sensitizing our team on the ICMR institute's inspiring work and on possible avenues for research in occupational public health and epidemiology. (Date: 29th July 2021)
The GRID Council Team is super-excited to launch a community-based health impact assessment project soon. The project shall entail environmental and occupational epidemiology and public health explorations. Dr Rachit Sharma, our old-time colleague at GRID and now a PhD scholar (environmental health) at Drexel Univ., US gave a fantastic overview of the concepts this week as we roll-out the study.
Extending deliberations on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on population health in India, this plenary from Economic Times Health World brings in insights from leading cancer experts in the country. Hope you find the discussions informative.
Part 1 (The Context): GOI SOP on COVID-19 Containment & Mx in Peri-urban, Rural & Tribal Areas
On 16th May, the Govt of India launched the SOP for management and containment of COVID-19 in rural India. GRID Council participated in the drafting process. In this plenary, the lead authors elaborate the context and background considerations for the SOP and the way forward.
The detailed guidelines can be found at:
#mohfw #iapsm #ipha #communitymedicine #publichealth #covid19 #covid19india #ruralindia #mamc #mgims #aiims #gridcouncil
Healthy Ageing in a Changing World - Interaction with the Author
At GRID, we look forward to interact directly with the author. After all, a limited word-manuscript/ report would not get us the 'first-hand lived experience' of the researcher. This time, we interacted with Dr Sachin Desai, author of the recently launched book 'Healthy Ageing in a Changing World: A Practical and Clinical Guide for Awakened Ageing'. The recording (<30 mins) can be watched here.
Archisman Mohapatra Kavita Rajesh #experience #research #elderlycare #geriatriccare #communitymedicine
Project REACH HTN: Reflections on World HTN Day 2021
On the occasion of the World Hypertension Day, 17 May 2021, Banaras Hindu University (BHU) and GRID Council bring forth two very updated factful presentations from the experts.
Dr Pradeep Joshi [NPO (NCDs), WHO India] talks about key HTN and DM related findings from NNMS 2017-18 survey and recent GOI initiatives for major NCDs &
Dr Abhishek Kunwar [NPO (CVDs), WHO India] shares overview, latest updates and upcoming learnings from India Hypertension Control Initiative (IHCI)
Concluding Remarks: Prof Sangeeta Kansal, Department of Community Medicine, IMS BHU.
Perspectives on situation of NCDs amidst the 2nd wave of the COVID 19 pandemic in India
Insightful interaction with Prof Jaya Chakraborty, HOD Medicine, BHU and Prof Sangeeta Kansal, Community Medicine, BHU on the 2nd wave of COVID-19 vis-a-vis the NCD continuum-of-care.
Candid Confessions: Open Forum
Dr Shib Sekhar Datta, TMC, Tripura and Dr Archisman Mohapatra, GRID Council co-moderated a 2.5 hour session on Leadership in which 9 Young Leaders shared their life journey ('Candid Confessions') today at IAPSM Young Leaders' Conclave. It was very thought provoking and motivating to listen to the Young Leaders who had gone beyond their comfort zones to bring in change in the society.
#leadership #communitymedicine #publichealth #leadershipdevelopment #youngleaders
Dr Kaushik Sarkar MD XMBA, a big thanks to you!
Yesterday we did an experiment. Instead of the usual journal club where we all would gang up and critique an article, we invited the author of the article to come and present the paper in an informal setting. Dr Kaushik obliged us and discussed his latest publication in UCL Open Research. Fantastic learning experience...The smiles say it all! A 3000 worded manuscript is not enough to capture the experience and wisdom the researcher would have amassed while doing the study.
We had four fantastic interns from IIPH-Delhi Drs. Aastha Singh, Anjali Chauhan, Swati C.Nair and Navneet Kaur with us for about 2 months! As we bid them farewell today, Team GRID Council wishes them the best in career and life.
Webinar on grant proposal, writing planning, and management
Writing a successful grant is a dream-come-true for many young researchers. GRID Council thanks Prof Harivansh Chopra for giving Dr Archisman Mohapatra (ED, GRID Council)
an opportunity to speak on this in the webinar organized on the 16th and 17th January 2021
GRID Council extends its thankfulness to Prof. Pankaj B Shah for taking out time for GRID's invited interactive lecture series, and delivering an insightful lecture on ‘Ethical guidelines for research in human participants: COVID-19 and beyond’ on 14thJanuary 2021.
GRID Council extends its thankfulness to Dr Shankarreddy Dudala, for taking out time on 1st January 2021 to talk to the team at ! We are excited to be sensitized to AI/ ML and Python (the much-talked about software) as public health researchers. It was a fantastic start to the New Year!
Virtual NCD Consultation on Resilient Approach to Resurface NCD Program & Experiences towards building healthy cities in collaboration with the State of Gujarat and United Way Delhi with support from Eli Lilly and Company
Link to the session:
India Fights Back analyses India’s Vaccine Administration Plan for Covid-19 with Dr. Samiran Panda, Scientist G and Head (ECD) Division, ICMR, Dr. Madhu Gupta, Department of Community Medicine & School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh, and Dr. Archisman Mohapatra, Epidemiologist, GRID Council
Link to the session:
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has launched a public movement and appealed everyone to unite in the fight against corona. The campaign was launched in view of the upcoming festivals and winter season as well as the opening up of the economy. Various aspects of this campaign are being discussed with Urvashi Prasad, Public Policy Specialist, Niti Aayog, Dr. Rajib Dasgupta, Chairperson, Centre of social Medicine & Community Health , JNU and Dr. Archisman Mohapatra,Epidemiologist, GRID Council
Link to the session:
Dr Ahmed Shammas, Research Fellow, GRID Council gets invited as a Keynote Speaker at the 12th IFSDAA International Webinar. The GRID Team is happy to share this news with all well wishers.
Multi-State NCD Program: SCREEN Dissemination Workshop
Link to the webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i84Iz5BQWJI&ab_channel=PPHF_Asia
Link to the report: https://pphf.in/publication-view/strengthening-population-based-screening-ncds-in-five-states-of-india-implementation-note
COVID-19 has been around for 9 months now. Still, our mask awareness has been inconsistent. RSTV takes up to discuss this relatively simple topic but of immense impact with Dr. Anant Mohan (HOD, Dept of Pulmonary Medicine and Sleep Disorders, AIIMS), Dr. Rajib Dasgupta ( Professor, Centre of Social Medicine & Community Health Social Sciences ) and Dr Archisman Mohapatra (ED, GRID Council)
Link to the session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtU6yPDgGYs&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=RajyaSabhaTV
A recent publication in Frontiers in Public Health has suggested that COVID-19 has an ordering for appearance of symptoms. The potential implications were discussed on Rajya Sabha TV with Prof Anil Gutroo (HOD, Dept of Medicine, Lady Hardinge), Dr Samiran Panda (Head, ECD, ICMR) and Dr Archisman Mohapatra (ED, GRID Council)
Link to the session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o--NU8gmPk&t=1378s
GRID Council extends its thankfulness to Dr Santosh K Yatnatti for the inspiring interaction with the MPH Cohort of Regional Medical Research Center, Bhubaneswar. During the 2 hour 30 minute interaction, the team was sensitized to Geriatric Public Health issues.
"Resilience Approach Towards Rare Disease Policy in India" with PPHF, Takeda and GRID Council4 August at 11:00 AM ISTLink to the video: https://www.facebook.com/PPHFAsia/videos/351899516210113